Cyber Scotland Week - End User Security
26th February, 2021
- Industry Insights
- Security
CyberScotland Week is dedicated to raising awareness and teaching organisations ways to stay secure online and how to take action to protect themselves from becoming another data breach statistic.
No business - big or small - is safe. Ensuring your company is equipped with strong security and safety measures is essential to protect your business and its data from being lost or ending up in the wrong hands.
Keeping your data safe is critical for every business. Here are a few security measures that can help build up your security defences.
Train your Employees
Cyber Security Awareness training can be instrumental in creating a risk aware workplace. You are only as strong as your weakest link and human error can often be a contributing factor in hackers gaining access to your data and systems. By helping educate employees, this can often be the difference between knowing if it is safe to open an attachment or click on a link. Conducting training sessions will ensure that employees can spot Phishing emails containing malware, use approved software and have strong passwords in place.
You could also look at implementing common sense practices surrounding technology access, and consider adding further levels of protection for staff with additional security measures such as Multi-Factor Authentication.
Implement a Data Recovery strategy
A recent survey had shown that one in five businesses do not have a procedure or back-up plan in place - the survey. This leaves your business exposed and puts you at an increased risk in the unfortunate event data is lost or damaged.
Human error, physical damage to hardware and cyber-attacks are just some of the ways that your data can be lost. With more and more businesses relying on the cloud, it is crucial that you ensure your cloud-based data is protected and compliant with GDPR regulations.
Detect and plan for what you cannot prevent
Hackers will always try and find a vulnerability and when they do, you need to make sure you have the resources and knowledge to detect their activities as quickly as possible. Ensuring you have defences in place such as Anti-Virus, Web Protection and Email Filtering can help provide extra layers of security.
Review your Security
Are you questioning if your Security is up to scratch?
We have a suite of the latest technologies and security solutions to prevent, alert and remediate to keep you safe from the never-ending and evolving threats.
Having achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, we have passed a key set of standards for Cyber Security within our organisation and internal systems. We are confident that we can guide you and implement high levels of security and protection that will help mitigate against common cyber-attacks.
Contact us to arrange a free Security Audit.